August 17, 2009

Beautiful Blogger Award

Hi, everyone! It was too late to post about this...
  My friend, Vanessa ( Wings of a butterfly) gave me this lovely award the other day. It was on July 26th. She is one of the ladies I admire her style.

Love this design! Thank you so much Vanessa!
  It's my turn to present this award to some of my friends. I'd like to give this award to these creative ladies. It was really difficult decision.

          Donna ( three umbrellas )

          Deborah ( Society of Stamp & Scrap-aholics )

          Tiffany ( It's the Stuff I love )

          Alice ( Alice's {Little} Wonderland )

          Naoko ( Bear's Patch )
                    - She has been one of my needlework friends sicne 4-5 years.

Be sure to visit their blogs. I'm sure you are able to meet wonderful creations!
Have a beautiful week!
Hugs, Tomo


  1. えっ、よく見ると、わ、私かい?一番下の? WOW!
    きゃ~!!!! うれしい♪ けど、いいのぉ?ここに私も?  ありがとうございます。

  2. I am so so happy and fluttered to receive this award from you Tomo!! 本当にありがとう!!ともさんからのしょうたんは光栄の至りであります。Okay, it's been a while for me to think about writing in Japanese and I am forgetting most of it... I am hoping these two sentences are correct. I meant to say: Thanks you so much! Such an award from you is a great honor to me! Please correct my japanese sentence if I do anything wrong, because that's how I learn!!

    I can't say how happy I am to receive this award from you since I LOVE your clean and pretty style so much!

    Thanks a bunch a again!! You made my day Tomo!!

    Hope you have a wonderful day!!

  3. naokoさん、

  4. Hi, Alice!
    Thanks for your visiting and your comment! Glad to hear your words both in English and Japanese!
    Your Japanese are pretty well! I'm really surprised to see it. しょうたん=称嘆 and the 2 sentences are good grammar.
    But I'm so sorry to add this. The latter one is rarely used both in colloquial expression and sentenses at present. If you use it in conversation, just only '大変光栄に思います'.
    If it's for the sentence, there're so many ways. If I explain it simply, we don't use the word '称嘆', and we often use '光栄の至り'. Hope this helps...
    Thank you so much, Alice! So happy to see your Japanese! I can't write Chinese at all.
    Hugs, Tomo

  5. Hi, Tomo! Congratulations on your blog award! :-)


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