March 7, 2009

Happy event for me!

I was selected as the second place winner on the Hero Arts' weekly challenge, 'Win a Day Challenge', held on last week.
I knew this result on March 6th in here. This was an unbelievable incident, but happy event for me!

*I forgot to publish this post. I still don't use this blog well.

受賞カードは、3/1分に掲載していますグリーティングカード 'Totally Special'



  1. My first time visiting your blog, Tomo. I didn't know that you have a blog!! I now wish that I took Japanese in if English, German and Chinese are not enough. I just want to say how I have enjoyed your creations, Tomo! Your sense of style and elegance is something I like to emulate! VERY excellent job on your blog! I was very happy on your win for the Win-a-day challenge!

  2. I just created a Google I can comment now :)
    My first time visiting your blog, Tomo. I didn't know that you have a blog!! I now wish that I took Japanese in if English, German and Chinese are not enough. I just want to say how I have enjoyed your creations, Tomo! Your sense of style and elegance is something I like to emulate! VERY excellent job on your blog! I was very happy on your win for the Win-a-day challenge!

  3. My first time visiting your blog, Tomo. I didn't know that you have a blog!! I now wish that I took Japanese in if English, German and Chinese are not enough. I just want to say how I have enjoyed your creations, Tomo! Your sense of style and elegance is something I like to emulate! VERY excellent job on your blog! I was very happy on your win for the Win-a-day challenge!

  4. My first time visiting your blog, Tomo. I didn't know that you have a blog!! I now wish that I took Japanese in if English, German and Chinese are not enough. I just want to say how I have enjoyed your creations, Tomo! Your sense of style and elegance is something I like to emulate! VERY excellent job on your blog! I was very happy on your win for the Win-a-day challenge!

  5. Thanks for your coming and your messages, Virginia!! :)


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