March 17, 2009

我家の庭梅 - the Prunus-japonica-Thunb

このところ、急に春めいて・・・。日中は暖かいですが、朝と夜は、かなり気温が下がる・・・。体調管理も、かなりやっかいですね。 2日ほど前に、庭の庭梅が満開になってきましたので、久々にキャプチャ♪ 庭梅はバラ科の植物と、ご存知でしたか?私、知らなかったんですよ(笑)
そういえば、再びヒーロー・アーツ社のウィークリーチャレンジにエントリーしてみました。画像は、下の記事に貼っていますので、興味をお持ちの方は、ご覧になってくださいネ。 今回のテーマは、「シェイプ」。通常の形と違ったグリーティングカード・その他を制作というもの。 なかなか思い浮かばないテーマなだけに、最初のうち少々考えて、「今回はパスしよう・・・」と思っていたのですが、締切日の朝、急に思い立ち、油彩パレットに、絵の具と筆・・・というイメージで作ってみました。
This photo shows you the tree named 'the Prunus-japonica-Thunb', belongs the Rosacese. The diameter of this flower about 1/2". I took this pic a few days ago in our garden.


  1. tomoさん、迷いを吹き飛ばしてくれてありがとう。

  2. naokoさん、迷い吹き飛んだ? 私がもし、「上」と書き込んだら、大変だったかなぁ?(クスクス)

    雪が60cm!? ひゃぁ、大変だわ~!


  3. My first time visiting your blog, Tomo. I didn't know that you have a blog!! I now wish that I took Japanese in if English, German and Chinese are not enough. I just want to say how I have enjoyed your creations, Tomo! Your sense of style and elegance is something I like to emulate! VERY excellent job on your blog! I was very happy on your win for the Win-a-day challenge!

  4. My first time visiting your blog, Tomo. I didn't know that you have a blog!! I now wish that I took Japanese in if English, German and Chinese are not enough. I just want to say how I have enjoyed your creations, Tomo! Your sense of style and elegance is something I like to emulate! VERY excellent job on your blog! I was very happy on your win for the Win-a-day challenge!

  5. My first time visiting your blog, Tomo. I didn't know that you have a blog!! I now wish that I took Japanese in if English, German and Chinese are not enough. I just want to say how I have enjoyed your creations, Tomo! Your sense of style and elegance is something I like to emulate! VERY excellent job on your blog! I was very happy on your win for the Win-a-day challenge!

  6. My first time visiting your blog, Tomo. I didn't know that you have a blog!! I now wish that I took Japanese in if English, German and Chinese are not enough. I just want to say how I have enjoyed your creations, Tomo! Your sense of style and elegance is something I like to emulate! VERY excellent job on your blog! I was very happy on your win for the Win-a-day challenge!

  7. Oh, Virginia! Thanks for your coming and your messages. I'm sorry I'm yet to write today's blog.

    > I now wish that I took Japanese in college
    Oh, really? The Japanese language is spoken in domestic only. So, it's so inconvenient!, I think. LOL.
    You already are trilingual in English, German and Chinese. This is so great. And, I also love your pretty and creative works. I admire you, Virginia!! :)


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