September 19, 2009

Lucky me! 再びの受賞でビックリ!

OMgosh! My 'Happy Fall' card was recognized as Hornable Mention at 'Fall Color Challenge' on September 17th, held by Hero Arts.
That entry was for the first time in about a month, because I was sick again... My brain wasn't clear at that time, but I began to make it since the fall color combos on HA blog inspired me a lot. So this result made me very happy.
  And thank you so much everyone for your kind words concerning about my health!


Thanks for reading!


  1. Many congratulations again Tomo for your well deserved HM. I love your card.

  2. Hi, Tomo! Congratulations on your honorable mention on the Hero Arts site! Wooo-hooo! :-)

    To answer your question ... most of the photographs I have taken have been in and around North Carolina. My hubby and I like to plan short trips for a weekend and we hike and wander and play with our cameras.

  3. Hi, Heather!
    Thanks so much for your comment! Hope you feel better soon!

    Hugs, Tomo

  4. Hi, Anne!
    Thank you so very much for visiting here and telling me your answer! You are TOO KIND!
    You and your DH have the wonderful hobby!
    Thanks a lot for sharing your wonderful photos and your pjoject with us!

    Love, Tomo


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