January 13, 2012

Lucky me! :) at 2 Peas

Hello, friends,

 My ATC won the prize of Faber-Castell / Design Memory Craft challenge over at Two Peas in a Bucket. That's quite an event! The entry to 2 Peas was for the first time last year. I did a happy dance on Jan. 4, when I knew the result. But I've been busy with doing New Year's events etc. So I totally forgot it till yesterday. I brought it to mind by the inquiry e-mail to ask my shipping address from the shipping department. Thanks so very much Faber-Castell, Design Memory Craft and Two Peas!!

Have a wonderful week!


  1. Woohoo! Way to go, Tomo! Your stamped ATC is work of art!! So not surprised that you won! CONGRATS! Doing the happy dance for you!

  2. Just left you some comments over Two Peas! So happy for you! xoxo

    1. Oh my! Virginia, You are TOO kind! I'm a bit busy and sleepy (I was going to do my work from 5:00AM. But I began to start making a card for RIC... So I have to work a little while from now on. It's 7:50 AM here. After I got up, I'm going to your blog. :))


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